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Silicon Compounds
   Molybdenum(IV) silicide
   Platinum silicide
   Silicon carbide
   Silicon dioxide (silica)
   Silicon nitride
Molybdenum(IV) silicide MoSi2
Molybdenum disilicide heating elements can be used for temperatures up to 1800°C (2073 K), in electric furnaces used in laboratory and production environment in production of glass, steel, electronics, ceramics, and in heat treatment of materials. While the elements are brittle, they can operate at high power without aging, and their electrical resistivity does not increase with operation time.
Polydimethylsiloxane (CH3)3SiO[SiO(CH3)2]nSi(CH3)3
It is the primary component in Silly Putty. The rubbery, vinegary-smelling silicone caulks, adhesives, and aquarium sealants are also well-known. PDMS is also used as a component in silicone grease and other silicone based lubricants, as well as in defoaming agents, damping fluids, heat transfer fluids, cosmetics, hair conditioner and other applications. PDMS has also been used as a filler fluid in breast implants, although this practice has decreased somewhat, due to safety concerns. It continues to be used in knuckle replacement implants, with good results.
As a food additive, it has the E number E900 and is used as an anti-foaming agent and an anti-caking agent.
Platinum silicide PtSi
It is used in detectors for infrared astronomy.
Silicon-germanium SiGe
This semiconductor material is commonly used in the integrated circuit manufacturing industry.
Silane SiH4
: Irritant :
At room temperature, silane is a gas, and is pyrophoric - it undergoes spontaneous combustion in air, without the need for external ignition.
Several industrial and medical applications exist for silanes. For instance, silanes are used as coupling agents to adhere glass fibres to a polymer matrix, stabilizing the composite material. They can also be used to couple a bio-inert layer on a titanium implant. Other applications include water repellents, masonary protection, control of graffiti, applying polycrystalline silicon layers on silicon wafers when manufacturing semiconductors, and sealants.
Silicon carbide SiC
The word moissanite is a trade name given to silicon carbide for use in the gem business.
Silicon carbide is used for blue LEDs, ultrafast Schottky diodes, MESFETs and high temperature IGBTs and thyristors for high power switching. Due to its high thermal conductivity, SiC is also used as substrate for other semiconductor materials such as gallium nitride.
Silicon carbide's hardness and rigidity make it a desirable mirror material for astronomical work, although they also make manufacturing and figuring such mirrors quite difficult.
Silicon-infiltrated carbon-carbon composite is used for high performance brake discs as it is able to withstand extreme temperatures. The silicon reacts with the graphite in the carbon-carbon composite to become silicon carbide. These discs are used on some sports cars.
Silicon dioxide (silica) SiO2
Silica is found in nature in several forms, including quartz and opal. Inexpensive soda-lime glass is the most common and typically found in drinking glasses, bottles, and windows. The ceramic re-entry heat protection tiles mounted on the bottom side of the Space Shuttles are made mostly of silica (see HRSI), as are the firebricks used in steel processing.
Silica, along with alumina (silica-alumina), forms a major part of the crystal lattice of clay minerals. These decompose on firing and form part of the microstructure of clay based ceramics such as earthenware, stoneware and porcelain.
Silica is also used as a food additive, primarily as a flow agent in powdered foods, or to absorb water.
Silicon nitride Si3N4
Silicon nitride is the main component in silicon nitride ceramics, which have relatively good shock resistance compared to other ceramics. Rollers made of silicon nitride ceramic are sometimes used in high-end skateboard bearings, due to the material's shock and heat-resistant characteristics. Also used an ignition source for domestic gas appliances, Hot Surface Ignition.